Clever Solutions to Protect From Hail Damage

We all know that inevitably a hail storm will find its way to North Texas. Thankfully, if you keep up with the weather, you generally get a heads up about severe weather heading this way. It is important to prepare and have a plan already in place so you know what to do when you hear that a potential hail storm is approaching. When you know that is is on its way, you have a plan and time to implement it. 

Personal Garage

The most obvious location to protect your vehicle, and for sure the best and easiest, is in your own garage or covered driveway. Your vehicle will be close by so you can keep an eye on it from the safety of your own home. However, this is not an option for everyone. You may not have a garage, or the space in your garage is already occupied and cannot accommodate another vehicle. 


In that case you might want to leave your vehicle on your driveway or the street covered in blankets. Search your house for as many blankets and towels as you can then cover your vehicle with them and use duct tape to secure. Be sure not to put the duct tape directly onto your vehicle. Duct tape could leave behind unwanted tape residue in unwanted places, damaging the aesthetics of your vehicle. The blankets should take the brunt of the hail and protect your car from dents. An alternative to blankets could be purchasing and utilizing a car cover. 

Covered Public Parking

Your next line of defense is going to be covered public parking. While you are driving around go ahead and take note of local covered parking. Maybe there is a parking garage at a shopping mall or an office space. When a storm is fast approaching and you don’t have a garage at home that will work, you will know exactly where you should take your vehicle. However, if you are out and about and don’t have time to locate covered parking, an overpass or gas station canopy will provide some protection in a pinch. 

Large Buildings

Finally, as a last resort, keep an eye on the radar and note what direction the storm is approaching from. Park your vehicle on the opposite side of the building. For example, if the storm is approaching from the north, park on the south side. This may not shield your vehicle completely, but you are using the coverage of the large building to hopefully keep your vehicle safe from the worst part of the storm. If the wind is strong enough the building may shield your vehicle from damage completely. 

However, if you find you didn’t have time to formulate a plan and now have a vehicle that sustained damage, don’t worry! Dynamic Dent Auto Hail Solutions, located in Lewisville, Texas, is here to help. Contact us immediately to start the claims process with your insurance!